For most people, getting out of their cozy bed is a hard nut to crack. Your mind and body strongly crave a few more moments of the solace of sleep. However, some obligations related to work, religion, or household compel you to crawl out of the luxury of a bed. Every individual experiences a similar feeling, like saying goodbye to a sweetheart. But in actuality, the benefits of waking up early are hard to undermine.
1. Waking Up Early Complements Melatonin Production
Waking up early naturally coincides with your body’s biological clock. Melatonin, a sleep hormone that regulates your sleepiness. High melatonin production results in sleepiness. Contrary to this, low melatonin production leads to awareness. So, the level of melatonin coincides with the body’s 24-hour natural clock. Your body’s clock is, by default, set to produce more melatonin after the sunset, making you dive into the valley of sound slumber. So you feel less urge to sleep in the morning because of reduced melatonin production.
Several factors may disrupt the harmony. Some of these could be night shift, working late, jet lag, excessive screen time at night, and others. No doubt, lack of sleep leaves you in a cranky mood for the rest of the day. But once you weave the habit of waking up early into your routine, it would benefit you spiritually, physically and results in increased productivity.
2. Me-time: Journey towards Self-healing
Getting up early yields extra hours to fulfill your spiritual needs. Waking up early does not mean jumping out of bed at once and starting your day. Cherish yourself, involve in some start-up activity that uplifts your mind and soul. Early morning hours of solitude and stillness are perfect moments to enjoy the bliss of nature, morning breeze, mild sun rays, chirping of birds. Mindful activities like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing prepare your body and mind for the fret and fever of the day ahead. Morning exercise induces the feeling of happiness due to the release of the happiness hormone Endorphin.
Watching TV, listening to the news, scrolling your cellphones, checking emails and posts could ruin the essence of me-time. So delay such activities until you are prepared to start the day.
3. Boosts Your Mental Faculties and Productivity
Studies show that waking up early improves your decision-making. You would feel a sense of achievement and accomplishment as you are now better able to manage your life. It results in elevated confidence levels and positive thinking.
Everyone tends social comparisons at the workplace or at school as to how well their peers meet their targets. Starting the day earlier gives you a psychological edge over others who are late. You can sort out your to-do list, focus and make room for taking on new projects.
The fear of getting late increases your stress level. The situation becomes worse when you find yourself stuck in a traffic jam. Getting the thing done a bit earlier reduces your stress level.
4. Early Risers Enjoy Good Health
Waking up early inculcates the habit of sleeping early. A sound sleep is a key to a healthy and energetic body. It maintains your blood pressure, relaxes your muscles, and reboots your immune system.
Late risers hardly enjoy a hearty sustainable breakfast; rather, they usually skip it or grab instant breakfast. It results in decreased energy levels, making you lethargic and fatigued earlier. It helps to maintain a well-organized sleeping, eating, and workout pattern, which improves blood circulation and oxygenation.
Besides, early hour chores make your body lose some additional calories, an effective strategy for weight loss.
Waking up early gets you sufficient quality time to spend with your loved ones resulting in improved emotional health. Stress is the real culprit for many illnesses. so early birds enjoy the perk of physical wellness due to reduced stress
5. Rise and Glow
Waking up early after a restful sleep gives your skin enough time to repair and replace the dead cells of the skin. Also, you have time for a morning skincare routine. It results in youthful, glowing skin naturally. On the other hand, night owls generally have dark circles and dull-looking skin.
Final Thoughts
Waking up early is not as difficult as it seems. Begin from 15 minutes, increase gradually, and here you go. Once you start reaping the benefits of waking up early, you would never like to miss the pleasures.