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Pilates for Migraine: Does It Work?

A migraine is a chronic form of headache. This condition is common in people all over the world. To treat this disorder, many people stick to painkillers. If you take the medicine for a long duration, it can become addictive and cause severe issues like internal bleeding.

If you have a migraine, you may look for natural ways to cure it. The good news is that you can get rid of the pain with diet and exercise. Studies have shown that exercise can reduce the symptoms of migraine. Also, a workout can reduce stress and sleeplessness that are associated with headaches.

Pilates is one of the proven ways to reduce migraine.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a low-intensity workout that involves mindful activities. The goal of this workout is to enhance body and mind coordination.

Pilates improves your breathing and strengthens your spine and core. This method was primarily used for the rehabilitation of soldiers after a war.

Why is Pilates good for you?

Pilates has surprising benefits on your overall health. This exercise improves your poster, body flexibility, joint strength, and overall body strength and balance. Like other exercises, it reduces mental stress and pain.

How does Pilates treat Migraine?

Pilates can increase blood circulation in your head reducing the pain. In addition to that, it can heal other causes of migraine. It has the following health advantages.

Reduces Blood Pressure

Many people experience headaches because of hypertension. Workouts often elevate blood pressure in hypertension patients which is risky. Pilates is an effective exercise that can help you maintain a good physique and reduce blood pressure. BP management in turn reduces migraine pain.

Improves your Posture

Your posture has a deep impact on your health. A good posture ensures the proper blood flow in your body. Poor posture is one of the causes of migraine. Pilates is one such exercise that improves your posture.

Relieves Body Pain

Some surveys show that pain in the neck and back often triggers migraine symptoms. Pilates treat your body pain and thus, indirectly, reduces migraine.

In general, Pilates stimulates the natural pain-killing hormone in your body.

Risks of Pilates

Some movements in this workout can trigger migraines. Avoid turning your head quickly. Overdoing the exercise is not recommended. It is a great practice to take a diet rich in protein and stay hydrated when doing Pilates.

How do you learn to do Pilates?

You can learn this workout from gyms and training centers and even online. It is better to take training to do it more efficiently and avoid injuries. There are many types of this exercise. Some involve stretches and only require a mat. You can do such exercise yourself. However, some Pilates need equipment, if you are doing it for the first time, it is safer to do it with other supervision.


To conclude, Pilates is effective in reducing migraine pain. This workout is an excellent way to improve body strength and posture. Pilates can reduce many disorders associated with migraine. Overall, this workout brings a healthy change in your lifestyle, improving your mental and physical health.


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