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Ashtanga Vs Hatha: Which Yoga is better 

If you are trying to start yoga and want to understand the difference between Ashtanga vs and Hatha, then you don't have to look further. In this guide, I will answer your questions about which yoga is better.

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is perfect for beginners and helps improve their body posture. The primary purpose of this yoga is to increase flexibility. It includes seated postures and standing postures mainly used to increase body strength.

Hatha classes depend on their teachers and the time of the day. For example, a morning class can be more electrifying, and evening classes may be calmer compared to the morning ones.

Both classes play a different role in human life, such as morning class helps to wake up and the person feels electrified for the rest of the day. While evening Hatha class can focus on more static poses and long stretches, it helps to relax your body as well.

Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga is also known as the eight limbs of yoga. A well-known teacher of yoga, Patanjali, has written many things about this yoga. It consists of eight steps that are meant to change your life.

The first limb of this yoga is Yama; the purpose of Yama is to deal with honest and ethical standards. The second limb is niyama which helps in spiritual observances.

The third limb is an asana which means body postures. The fourth limb is pranayama, mainly used in breathing techniques; most yogis believe that this technique can actually increase their life spams. The fifth limb is known as pratyahara, and it can detach you from your surroundings.

The sixth limb is Dharana, which is known for concentration; the seventh is dhyana which is known for meditation; after practicing all these limbs, you will finally achieve the final limb called Samadhi which is known as ecstasy.


There are many similarities in both practices because both of these yoga are called Hatha. Hatha yoga is the main branch of yoga that includes yoga practices that helps to work on your body.

Let’s check out the difference.

Asthanga yoga

  • Ashtanga yoga is faster than hatha yoga.

  • It is more complex than hatha yoga.

  • In ashtanga yoga, you don't have to use props.

  • This yoga can be learned in two different ways.

Hatha yoga

  • This yoga improves your physical fitness.

  • It helps you to lose anxiety and depression.

  • Hatha yoga is more effortless than ashtanga yoga

  • Reduce weight faster.


Ashtanga Vs Hatha: which is better? Well, the answer depends on you because the job of both yoga practices differs, so it depends on you. If you aim to lose weight, I suggest you choose hatha yoga because this yoga involves a healthy diet for your body and helps clear your mind.

Ashtanga yoga is for those looking for something more profound. Hence, if you want a total change in yourself, then choose this ashtanga yoga.


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